Triumph of the Underdogs


It’s surreal when you are the witness

of a coronation

of a petty moment becoming the monarch

and smiling at you-

you are watching how the captain,

a year older than you

is lifting the Prudential Cup-

this was India’s first cricket World Cup victory

against the formidable two-time defending champions

West Indies-

June 25, 1983 becomes a red letter day-

and you are standing on that turning point

where you look at India

as a force to be reckoned with

in the cricketing world-

what do you do?

What else but becoming a part

of the wave of cricket frenzy

along with others-

we cherish these moments in our heart

and let go of

passing of Dynasties and War’s annals-*

*the closing line echoes Thomas Hardy’s words in the poem “In Time of the Breaking of Nations”

13 thoughts on “Triumph of the Underdogs

  1. “. . . of a petty moment becoming the monarch / and smiling at you”

    A moment to cherish indeed! Even the way we can get lost in a mass feeling the same way, a joy, a victory! I enjoy your use of royalty here.

  2. What a wonderful moment to be a part of and to remember forever and cherish! It is nice to have reasons to be proud of one’s country’s achievements. Sports is good for that!

  3. What a moment that must have been! The whole country must have been overjoyed. A lovely moment to be remembered, Sumana.

  4. Sumana, what a wonderful memory to recall. It’s great to recall an experience that brings national fervour. I love that India has such a love for cricket, Irrespective of where. Images of little children, having such fun, playing the game with such passion…a lovely event to recall..

  5. I like the way to describe being caught up in a national frenzy about a sporting event. We do that over here in Australia too. Not being a sporty type I find it all quite mystifying but as you say, there is really no place to go except to join in with the fervour.

  6. When I was young I was a hit miss and giggle tennis player….I always thought you had to hit the ball to the other person so that they could return it ….never occurred to me you were supposed to to do the opposite….the extent of my sporting ability…yes yes I know… It is remarkable that I have survived in the world as I long as I have:) . If you are not interested in sport Down Under best to keep it a secret . I am pleased you took such pleasure in India’s world victory…Nice poem.

  7. Through your eyes, Sumana, I feel how pivotal that moment was not just for the sport but for the country as a whole, felt too the pride of those who gain a victory against all odds! I was born in India, grew up in the U.S., but love both my homelands equally. And I always, but always cheer for the underdogs. Underdogs?! But every dog will have his day! 🙂

  8. As an American, cricket isn’t on my radar, so I learned something today. However, I do know how sport can unite and lift people sometimes, how it can be a source of pride and triumph whether one is on the field of play or not. (Love the Hardy at the end!)

Thank You :)