
Now I long

for all the beauty lost

from words and deeds-

I wish to knit peace

to wrap

this homeless, orphan,

careworn world-

the sun is sinking

and wintry night prowls about-

I bide my time

till ‘proud-pied April* arrives-

*in Shakespeare’s Sonnet 92




Posted for my prompt ~ Longing@ Poets United Midweek Motif



A nightly garden looks at me

With its owl eye

Asking as it were, are you awake?

Yes, yes, say I

And I won’t crush your darkness

With my light-

You breathe peace and rest

I am no more afraid-

Come, hold my hand

And on this brink of time

Let us stand-



Posted for Susan’s midweek Motif ~ Awakening @ Poets United