Keepsakes and Treasure Chests

Photo : Sumana Roy

My latest memento

is a miniature two inch surfboard

bought from Bali recently;

now adorning my fridge-

it reminds me

of those

memory-making-moments in Bali


also a failed bargaining-

such souvenirs

from all my different journeys

bide their time


to drown me one day-


I know too well

I can’t be that bird*

owning nothing and flying-

*Storage by Mary Oliver

10 thoughts on “Keepsakes and Treasure Chests

  1. WOW! great contrast to the Mary Oliver poem. I especially love “such souvenirs / from all my different journeys / bide their time . . . . ” It’s a “loving” animal lurking, one that grows over time! I, too, will not fly.

  2. Sometimes the smallest of souvenirs provide the greatest memories! And since your small surfboard is on your refrigerator, your memory will be tweaked often! Smiles.

  3. I cant be that bird either, though I had to downsize drastically during my last four moves. I still have a LOT of things I love staring at me from walls and shelves. Smiles. I love your poem, Sumana.

  4. Yes, there are times the smallest souvenir makes the biggest impact. It holds a volume of memories. So beautiful

Thank You :)