

courtesy: A Dash Of Sunny



I wish I were a tree

who loves to dance

to autumn tune

letting her leaves free.

I watch intently

her beauty broken face.

How she wears winter

with majestic grace!

Porous imperfection

is filled up with truth.

Truth is beauty

and beauty truth*.



*the last two lines are from Keats’ Ode on a Grecian Urn in a roundabout way adding one more word.


Posted for Sanaa’s On Popular Demand – Imperfection is Beautiful – [5] @ A Dash Of Sunny


Shared with Poetry Pantry @ Poets United

26 thoughts on “Beauty

  1. My goodness! Sumana this is such a tender and heartfelt poem ❤ ❤ Love the way with which you have described the beauty of Autumn with effortless grace and flair 😀 Beautifully penned. Thank you so much for participating at Prompt Nights and for your constant love and support ❤ ❤

    Lots of love,

  2. Each part of the natural world goes about its business whilst humans take a divergent course. I hope I come back as a tree all this walking about is driving me crazy. This is a beautiful poem Sumana.

  3. We would be so much more happier if we were true to the Nature that birthed us. She makes no mistakes. She only makes things that are different from each other. Like your poem suggests, there is such beauty in rough, porous bark of a tree (they don’t try to make themselves smoother, or more youthful). We would be and feel more beautiful if we just cared to be. ♥

  4. That would be a wonderful wish – i could picture you as that tree and i suspect to be able to describe her so beautifully you did indeed nestle under her leaves and trunk..

  5. I think it’s a wonderful thing to incorporate another poet’s work into our own, as long as we give credit, which you most certainly did. Others can serve as our founts of inspiration.

  6. Such divine tranquility!

    I like what you have done with your blog, and especially the header picture of Jammu (as I think it to be). What a splendid scene.

  7. Another wonderful piece, Sumana. “How she wears winter with majestic grace!” a lovely, eloquent line of poetry – indeed, there is grace in wearing winter majestically.

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