

I want to tame

that feral child

living within

who often

sits on my tongue

or on those tapping fingers

and blurts out.

Shh, shh.

No hurt word child.

Be the lemon flower.

Play with the bees, sunbirds…

nestling in the flower-cup

sweetening their mouth.

That glint of light

in their eyes

is love, respect

for this white cup of petals.

Store nectar-words, dear child,

unfurl thy petals-


for your bees, sunbirds…..


Posted for Susan’s Midweek Motif ~ Respect @ Poets United

19 thoughts on “Respect

  1. Everything in nature goes at its own pace whilst man (and women) want to hurry things along. Minds you I am quite content now for the flowers on my balcony to do what they will and the tomato plants now doubt will produce in due season and I respect them for that!

  2. Be the lemon flower.
    Play with the bees, sunbirds…
    nestling in the flower-cup
    sweetening their mouth.

    So beautiful You have a great way with words Loved it

  3. A beautiful weaving of nectar words However I like your feral child within. It makes you human and dynamic…tame her and you will find yourself comatosed , lying at the bottom of a vat of honey:)

  4. A gorgeous poem, Sumana! The feral inner child is so powerful yet pure…!! Lovely….
    Love the fact that it had brought good childhood memories too.Thank you….Inspiring piece.

  5. Although I really like the gentleness and quieting tone of this, we must not forget that Nature also has a feral reality that allows it to bend and to continue to grow,


Thank You :)