I Yearn For A Lotus Smile


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“I love the lotus because while growing from mud, it is unstained.”—Confucian scholar Zhou Dunyi (1017-1073)


I read the lotus,

petal after petal.

Floral words

tender, fragrant yet gritty*


Born in mud

yet all life unstained.

No wonder our seers of yore

held you in their core

to turn you into seat of gods

transforming themselves

into lotus-souls

to be adored.

Aren’t there any lotus people

living in this mud of earth



*An individual lotus can live for over a thousand years and has the rare ability to revive into activity after stasis. In 1994, a seed from a sacred lotus, dated at roughly 1,300 years old ± 270 years, was successfully germinated. Wikipedia

Posted for Sanaa’s Prompt Nights – We tend to smile in the exact same language – [27] @ A Dash Of Sunny




Shared with Poetry Pantry @ Poets United


29 thoughts on “I Yearn For A Lotus Smile

  1. Whistles!!! ❤❤ This is absolutely splendid writing, Sumana 😀 especially love the reference to ‘No wonder our seers of yore held you in their core to turn you into seat of gods transforming themselves into lotus-souls to be adored.’ Beautifully executed. Thank you so much for participating at Prompt Nights and for your constant love and support ❤❤

    Lots of love,

  2. I think perhaps you maybe a lotus – tender, fragrant, gritty – seems like a definition of strength, courage and beauty..of which your words and character seem to convey

  3. Curiously my mind bent in another direction and noting the resilience of the lotus and comparing it to the present weakening of mankind becoming unfit without artificial help. Currently feeling like a session in statis myself!

  4. Hi Sumana, what a beautiful new blog! I didn’t know that a lotus blooms from mud ~ what a wonderful metaphor for overcoming obstacles and one’s past in life. Love the poem 🙂

  5. My mother-in-law used to constantly question if there were any living saints. She thought not. I used to contradict her saying we just had to seek them out, they were all around us. Your beautiful poem first made me doubt my hope. But, then your post script about the lotus’s longevity and ability to germinate, made me hope again.
    Beautiful poem Sumana. Thank you.

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